Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sports, meat and marriage:

Go team go.
Go baby go.
Some things are worth holding onto
and some things don't matter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pain, Pleasure and Disunity

All of our lives have changed. Am I surprised? Of course not, but it's taken in stride with that human sort of amazement that never ceases to amaze me. Soon I'll be gone, but the memories will stay. A best friend reduced only to a memory, a caress transformed to an itch... it's heart-breaking when things shift so in scenarios like this.
Nothing is sacred, and love changes too. It rises, fades, returns, then leaves again, but the friendship that exists throughout the entire experience never falters for a moment in my mind. Friendship is more inviolate than anything else for this human. Turns out I'm sentimental in that way, although it's never really brought me much more than disappointment most of the time. How disappointing people can be.
But hey--- pain can be just as stimulating as pleasure (love typically being a mixture of the two), so it's probably best just to have some fun with what I've got.
One day soon I'll be baptized again on a mountain top, but only after I build this bonfire in my backyard.
Life begins anew, I'm scared and excited.